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Introduction :

Sri Taralabalu Jagadguru College of Education is sponsored by Hirekerur Taluka Vidyavardhaka Souhardha Sahakari Ltd., Hirekerur. the college was started in 2004-05 with objective of preparing quality teachers for secondary schools it has an intake of hundred students & offer a course of the academic year leading to the bachelor’s degree in the faculty of education.


Objectives :


i.                    To develop among teachers a clear understanding of the psychology of their students.

ii.                 To enable them to understand the process of socialization.

iii.               To develop in them an understanding of the principles of pedagogy, curriculum development, its transaction and evaluation.

iv.                To enable them to make pedagogical analysis of the subjects they are to teach at the secondary stage.

v.                   To develop the skills for guidance and counseling.

vi.                To enable them to foster creative thinking among pupils for the reconstruction of knowledge.

vii.              To acquaint them with the factors and forces (within the school and outside) affecting educational system and class room situation.

viii.           To acquaint them with educational needs of special groups of pupils.

ix.                To enable them to utilize community resources as educational inputs.

x.                  To develop communication skills and to use the modern information technology.

xi.                To enable them to undertake action research and use innovative practices.

xii.             To foster in them a desire for life-long learning.  


It is striving for achieving academic excellence under the dynamic guidance of Sri S.B.Tippannanavar President and Sri S.S.Patil Honorable Secretary  of the education society.


The College has highly qualified staff a good, good library, variety of audio-visual equipment, computer lab and well equipped building. It is known for the discipline from its inception, the college has successfully carried out rich and meaningful curricular and co-curricular activities. It has continuously secured excellent results in the annual university examination.